Saturday 12 March 2016

The Florida experience!

  The Florida experience!

Hello everyone! I would love for you to keep up to date with my 8 weeks of blogging about Disneyland Florida. My name is Holly, I am a 21 year old student who will be telling you lots of information on my love for Florida. Through eight separate posts I will be sharing with you my past moments in Florida including pictures of my time there and why Florida is THE BEST!
A visit to Florida is sometimes thought of as a once in a lifetime trip, but its so addictive you just have to keep going back! If you have never visited Florida… GET YOUR TICKETS BOOKED! The saying “its where magic takes place” really is true. The ‘magic’ might not feel so magical on the 8 hour flight but as soon as you step off the plane the heat hits you straight away. I have never felt heat like it before! (It still amazes me how the locals can comfortably walk around with jeans on!)

The excitement takes over and you quickly forget how bored you were during the long plane journey. Florida is known for its warm climate and for most of the year the weather is very good. June to October is usually very warm with high levels of humidity. It is also known for the tropical storms at the beginning of September. Like Scotland when it rains in Florida it hits hard, however in Florida this rain usually clears very quickly. Being prepared for the rain is always fun though, if only we could wear these ponchos back home and not be judged!

There are many places I have been to and love but wouldn't return, purely for the reason I love to travel and want to experience different countries, but Florida? Florida is completely different even after a two week visit I don't want to come home. I have been lucky throughout the years having travelled to Florida 7 times (and counting). Every time is different from the last. There is always something different each year I have been. There are new characters to meet, different places to eat, more roller coasters to enjoy but one thing that will always remain the same is the happiness of everyone in Disneyland Florida. All of these things I will be talking about throughout my blogs. 

As Orlando Florida is famed for being the theme park capital of the world, in my next blog I will be talking about the theme parks in Orlando Florida.


  1. Nice blog ! Hurry to see the following !

  2. Love it Holzz :):) cant wait to read some more xxx

  3. Love it :) ive only ever been once and it was when I was little so I don't remember very much, my only memory is travelling home in the rented car looking at the castle and being so upset I was leaving :(! Can't wait to read all the other blogs and experiences you have had in Florida! xxx

  4. Good blog, Florida does seem the place to be!

  5. Love holidays and Florida is definitely somewhere id love to go! Xx

  6. Great first blog, can't wait to read more!

  7. never been before but i've always wanted to go! can't wait to read more
